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It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Sorry for that; I’ve been really busy.

Soccer and band competitions along with mid-terms have kept me… Next week I have more competitions, but I’ll see what I can do.

Tomorrow I’m going to a car show and a cider mill… my grandparents are here, and we usually do something.

That’s that.

… Oh, and I fixed my keyboard. That’s a plus. πŸ™‚


Sunkist Sable

Courtesy of Vegan T at Flickr: Link

So, I wasn’t this careless, but it was close. As delicious as Sunkist is, you know the saying: “Don’t drink pop at the computer.”

Yeah, about that… I spilled a bottle of it on my keyboard. It wasn’t the whole bottle, but it was enough to ruin it… Great, right?

So, here I am posting with my mom’s keyboard… Fine and dandy, but I’ve got to give it back after I update you.

… As slowly as my reviews have been coming in, they’re going to stop completely until I get a new keyboard. That’ll probably be this weekend. Hopefully.

I really wish Firefox would figure itself out so that I can post about it… especially since I planned on making a post specifically about some of the more or less useful extensions… and the ones I use.

Completely off topic: My cat looks just like the one in the picture. I swear. That’s why it caught my eye and I decided to put it up top in this post. She lies on her back and everything. πŸ™‚

So… yeah. That’s that.

What am I doing?

If you want to hop over to Twitter, you can see that I was planning to start a series on Firefox and such… I wish it weren’t messing up with the latest update. My sidebars are messed up, mouse gestures won’t work…

Anyway, that’s what I’m up to. I’m going to wait to start it since I planned to do it with a review of Firefox itself.

So… yeah. That’s that.

Be Accident-Proof: Restoration

Ever accidentally deleted a file from your flash drive? I know how you feel. Continue reading


What did I do today?

  • Twitter
  • Flickr
  • StumbleUpon

I’ve been seeing those first two pop up, and I was curious. I decided to re-work StumbleUpon, too… together they took up all of today.

Yesterday? I caught up on a whole bunch of reading that I should have done during the week. I did homework, too.

Friday? I played at a football game, soccer practice, etc…

So, yeah… No posts this weekend. Sorry.


I sat down in my chair and said that… Homework. Everything about it is awful…

Anyway, I’ve a Powerpoint to work out with my seven-year-old version, another twenty pages or so to read in Medea, – Terrible. Never read it- and a few Physics problems. Oh boy! Physics…

So… yeah. That’s that.

I’ve been out for a bit…

Games, practice… My internet comes from Texas… Yeah.

My connection miraculously came through this morning. I got the article ready-to-post just before noon, and then my internet cut. Figures. It came back even weaker about a half-hour ago, so here I am. Enjoy the Digsby review, even though it’s a week or so late.

Manage Your Social Life: Digsby

So, I was wishing that Live Mail would alert me of email like AOL does. This one takes care of that and more… Continue reading

Won the Tournament…

Yeah. I’m pretty happy. It’s actually the first time my school has won that one. πŸ™‚ We won every game, and we didn’t get scored on once. It was amazing.

Anyway, tomorrow I have some papers to write, but I plan on getting a review posted.

That’s that.



Anyway, I’m not exactly sure what’s taking them so long to figure out my post, but I’d like them to approve it soon so I can put it here… I worked hard on that Digsby bit, and it’s a nice one that I’d like to show you.

Also, I’ve a tournament tomorrow from ~7:30 Am to ~5:00 Pm… oh boy! That’s like five matches… If they haven’t approved it by then, I’ll email them, so it won’t be long. πŸ™‚

That’s it… ‘Night everybody.